

March 9, 2023

Spring Fever

The stereotypes about March are not great. Nearly all language surrounding this time of year is… negative, to say the least. It’s always “March Madness” this, and “Spring Fever” that; followed by Mother Nature’s final attempt to trap us in our homes with her blizzardy tirade, which then instantly melts into a muddy slush from the warming weather. Try building a snowman with half-melted brown snow and let me know why all of the adults end up in tears before the kids. Plus, lest I remind you, this month we lose an entire hour of our precious weekend due to Daylight Savings. As a side note–who decided that we can just take an hour away from our weekend every year?? I’ll be starting a petition to “spring forward” at 4pm on Fridays from now on. 

Regardless of these setbacks, Dogwatch of Litchfield County is here to turn the image of March around. We are here to remind you of all the wonderful things it truly represents: the beginning of spring, the sights and smells of freshly blooming flowers, days filled with more sunshine, and we cannot forget about Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March. It is also the perfect time of year to make your actual lasting improvements for the upcoming year. Out with the unfathomable goals of January, and in with the realistic ones–like installing a Dogwatch hidden fence. It will give your dog the freedom he or she has been craving all winter, while also giving you peace of mind. We are already losing an hour of our time this month, let’s not lose any more chasing our dogs through the woods.