

Category: Training

April 28, 2023

April Showers Bring DogWatch

April in the northeast is an immensely unpredictable time. We experience glimpses of the hottest days of summer, followed by endless dreary days of rain, sleet, and dare I suggest… snow. Some days you can experience all four seasons in one singular day, no hormonal imbalance required! It is no wonder the notoriously ambivalent April Ludgate shares her name. When Mother Nature is feeling as erratic as she does in the spring, all we can do is hunker down and prepare for the unexpected. This leaves little room for routine, and pushes toward a life of flexibility and rolling with whatever each day has in store. You must be able to change your plans fast, and your clothes even faster. 

If the weather is less “spring,” and a little more “showers,” indicating more indoor playtime, your pets will be happily contained within our indoor hidden pet boundaries. But when those idyllic glimpses of summer do appear–as shown in the various Hallmark movies they’ve been filming around here lately–you and your antsy pets will want to take full advantage of outdoor time by utilizing our outdoor hidden fence. Spring is also the perfect time to remind your pooch of his or her manners. Spring cleaning does in fact include banishing all quarantine quirks, and freshening up on how to act properly in public. There is good and bad news surrounding our collective quarantine recovery. The bad news is that we humans need to just figure it out through awkward small talk and uncomfortably long gaps of silence. The good news is, DogWatch can help our four-legged friends recover a bit easier. We have the perfect device to help your pets readjust properly to the excitement of the outside world. The BigLeash is a fantastic training tool to reinforce training commands as well as to change undesirable behaviors… nobody likes a crotch sniffer. 

Don’t hesitate in reaching out to DogWatch of Litchfield County today for a free quote! I promise we are a very friendly group of people; you’ll only ever experience the spring and none of the showers. 

March 9, 2023

Spring Fever

The stereotypes about March are not great. Nearly all language surrounding this time of year is… negative, to say the least. It’s always “March Madness” this, and “Spring Fever” that; followed by Mother Nature’s final attempt to trap us in our homes with her blizzardy tirade, which then instantly melts into a muddy slush from the warming weather. Try building a snowman with half-melted brown snow and let me know why all of the adults end up in tears before the kids. Plus, lest I remind you, this month we lose an entire hour of our precious weekend due to Daylight Savings. As a side note–who decided that we can just take an hour away from our weekend every year?? I’ll be starting a petition to “spring forward” at 4pm on Fridays from now on. 

Regardless of these setbacks, Dogwatch of Litchfield County is here to turn the image of March around. We are here to remind you of all the wonderful things it truly represents: the beginning of spring, the sights and smells of freshly blooming flowers, days filled with more sunshine, and we cannot forget about Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March. It is also the perfect time of year to make your actual lasting improvements for the upcoming year. Out with the unfathomable goals of January, and in with the realistic ones–like installing a Dogwatch hidden fence. It will give your dog the freedom he or she has been craving all winter, while also giving you peace of mind. We are already losing an hour of our time this month, let’s not lose any more chasing our dogs through the woods.

February 2, 2023

Happy Groundhog Day!

It’s that magical time of year again! Dry January is finished (whether you did or not), gym front desk workers can finally complete an entire episode of The Office between towel requests, and “meaning to begin that new juice cleanse” is a vague and distant memory. Almost as distant as that Halloween candy you forgot you still have in your sock drawer–it tastes better off season anyway. It’s February in the northeast. We’re officially back to reality. 

While the month that promises immense change and improvement is over, fear not! Contrary to the popular belief of marketing departments across the US, you can actually instill progressive change in your life at ANY time. So why not choose now? We are on the precipice of arguably the greatest holiday of the year–Groundhog Day. I know this is a bold claim, but I am here to back it up. 

Why is Groundhog Day, handsdown, the greatest holiday of them all? Besides the fact that our entire nation looks to a tiny rodent for the prediction of our collective future, because of Bill Murray, this holiday also reminds us  just how much we despise monotony. Repetitive daily routines are a drag for everyone. Especially when they include asking your neighbors if you can run through their yard again, screaming for Coco, who has run away for the fifth time this week. There are only so many times one can make this request. So if January flew by faster than you can say Punxsutawney Phil, use February as your new month of betterment. Improve not only your life, but your pet’s life as well, and install a Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence. We are all sick and tired of hearing “I Got You Babe,” as your partner dashes through the backyard with a flashlight and a whistle, Sonny and Cher included. 

August 14, 2022

Who Let the Dogs Out?

There is no worse feeling than pulling into your driveway, or peering out your kitchen window, and frantically asking the question, “Who let the dogs out?!?” Once unsecured outside, your dogs are mere seconds from dashing down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, converging with countless unpredictable animalsor even worse, unpredictable humansbefore perhaps eventually making contact with an unforeseen bumper. There is no telling what our furry friends may encounter once out of our sight. The risks are not worth the reward, because, quite frankly there is no reward! While our dogs certainly do serve as the emotional support heroes in our lives, we shouldn’t confuse them with actual superheroes. Unfortunately, there is no command to “fly over that oncoming bus,” or, “steer clear, that raccoon definitely has rabies!” In fact, if my 130-pound dog was to encounter a butterfly he wasn’t familiar with, the white of his eyes would become increasingly apparent before relieving himself on my feet.      

However, not all hope is lost in this situation. There is a simple solution to avoid running down your street screaming, “Pudding!!!” at the top of your lungsa precious pet name in theory; however, frantically screaming it without context while in a sprint may gravely concern your neighbors. A Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence will save you from this embarrassment. It will also save your family the endless arguments following the dreaded question, “who let the dogs out??” Post-hidden fence installation, your dogs will remain safely where they belong, and for the exact amount of time desired. It will save you time, energy, and most importantly face with your neighbors, all while keeping your dog safe within her/his boundaries. This is certainly a “risk” that is far worth the reward. And while your dog may not be a real life superhero, we won’t argue if you claim we are. 😉