

April 4, 2020

Can a hidden fence work for a hound

Hounds and a Hidden Fence
Hounds are famous for two things: their noses and their speed. And anyone who has ever lived with a beagle, bloodhound, greyhound, dachshund or other hound dog knows just how fast and determined they can be when chasing prey (or the neighbor’s cat).

DogWatch Dealers are often asked: “Can a hidden fence REALLY work for a hound?” The answer is yes! For over 30 years, DogWatch Dealers have been training hounds and hound mixes to stay in their yards with our hidden fences. We reached out to our Dealers and customers to learn more about the process of training hounds, their unique personalities and how adding an underground electronic fence to their property helped their pups stay safe and do what hounds love to do – sniff, run and play!

Lisa White, co-owner of DogWatch of St. Louis, has had beagles as part of her family for most of her life. She invested in a DogWatch Hidden Fence for her family’s beagle, Bogey, back in 1995, because her family lived in an area where physical fences were not allowed. “Growing up in the same area with two beagles as a child, I knew the wandering, hunting instinct and strength of the beagle nose to follow a scent and roam – sometimes very far from home. One of my childhood beagles wandered often and was hit by a car (and fortunately survived). I worried about her, so I was pleased to learn about hidden fences.”

The previous DogWatch Dealer in the St. Louis area trained Bogey to the DogWatch Hidden Fence system when he was 4 months old, and Bogey picked it up right away. “He loved the freedom to explore his (relatively small) yard, roam and sniff and still run after bunnies and squirrels, but now he magically stopped at his property boundary,” says Lisa. The Whites adopted Sampras (below, with Bogey) a few years later, and he also took to the fence like a charm. Lisa trusted the DogWatch Hidden Fence so much for the freedom and safety of her beagles that she and her family decided to become a DogWatch Dealers themselves!

Lisa’s son Billy White, who is the head trainer at DogWatch of St. Louis, has worked with numerous beagles, dachshunds, basset hounds, Afghan hounds, plot hounds, greyhounds and more over the years. “Scent hounds generally take to fence very well: they love the freedom of exploring their yard off leash and tend to enjoy running and sniffing outdoors. When they can do this, they tend to be calmer inside.” Billy, like all DogWatch Dealers, uses both the visual flags and the audible signal of the collar to reinforce training. “We have found that, in general, hounds pay more attention to the audible training than the visual,” he says.

Lisa currently has two Beagles, Tigger and Winnie, and a grand-dog Gus. (Breaking from tradition, Gus is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.) Her dogs have a pet door and a SmartFence so they have great freedom to use their beagle noses to explore and exercise and still stay in the yard. Here’s a picture of the adorable trio!

But what about the bigger hounds? We spoke with DogWatch Sarasota customer Richard Jackson, whose Bluetick Coonhound Maggie (below right) uses a DogWatch Hidden Fence. “Bluetick hounds have noses stronger than most other breeds and it is exceeded only by their desire to hunt and that means roaming,” says Richard. “With her DogWatch receiver and my hidden fence, I know she is safe to traverse my Florida farm property without fear of wandering. I know she is safe, even when I am not there. I rely on DogWatch products for all 4 of my canine herd!”

“People always tell me you can’t train hound dogs on an underground fence,” says Michael B. Shaffer, a DogWatch of Northern Indiana customer. “I have trained four rescued hounds, and apart from an isolated incident that is very unusual, they have full access to our yard, much to the amazement of the neighborhood!” Michael, who shared the photo at the bottom left of his two rescue hounds, adds, “Thank you, DogWatch for a great product and great company.”

Do you have a hound that uses a DogWatch Hidden Fence? Send us a email with your story and a photo of your pet(s), and they could be a future DogWatch Dog of the Day on our Facebook and Instagram! Or if your hound could use some boundaries, check out DogWatch of Litchfield County Dogwatch corporate site