

Tag: DogWatch

August 27, 2024

Give Your Pet More Room to Roam with the ProFenceX™

If you’re looking to provide your furry friend with more space to explore while ensuring they stay safe within your yard, the ProFenceX™ by DogWatch is the perfect solution. This advanced pet containment system is designed to offer both freedom and security, combining innovative technology with user-friendly features. Here’s a closer look at what makes the ProFenceX™ stand out and why it might be the best choice for your pet.

Exclusive Features of ProFenceX™

WelcomeHome™ Technology

One of the standout features of the ProFenceX™ is its WelcomeHome™ technology. While traditional pet containment systems are designed to keep your pet within a defined boundary, the WelcomeHome™ feature allows your pet to return to the yard without receiving a correction if they ever venture outside the fenced area. This technology ensures that your pet can explore freely while still benefiting from a safe return home.

Extended Boundary

The ProFenceX™ system also features an extended outer boundary zone. This enhancement provides additional space for your pet to roam and plays a crucial role in ensuring they remain within your yard. Coupled with PetFriendly™ training from a local DogWatch Dealer, this extended boundary offers enhanced protection, allowing you to relax knowing your pet is safe and secure.

Cutting-Edge Safety Features

Safety is paramount when it comes to pet containment, and the ProFenceX™ is equipped with some of the most advanced safety technologies available:

SafeLink® Digital Technology

DogWatch’s SafeLink® technology is a patented digital system designed to offer the highest level of protection against false activations caused by stray radio signals. Unlike traditional AM systems used by other brands, SafeLink® is less susceptible to interference, making it one of the most reliable hidden fence systems on the market.


The FastReact® feature ensures that your pet receives a warning signal before they even reach the boundary wire. This industry-leading reaction time helps to prevent boundary crossings by alerting your pet before they get too close.


AutoMemory® is a patented feature that adjusts the correction level automatically if your pet challenges the boundary. For example, if your pet tests the boundary with the receiver set to level 4, AutoMemory® will increase the correction level to 5 for the next 24 hours. After this period, if there are no more boundary challenges, the system will revert to the original setting. This progressive adjustment helps to deter repeated boundary challenges.


TattleTale™ is another innovative feature of the ProFenceX™. If your pet challenges the boundary, the status light on the receiver will double flash, indicating that you might need to adjust the fence settings. After 24 hours without a challenge, the system will reset. This feature ensures that you are always aware of your pet’s boundary behavior and can make adjustments as needed.

Why Choose ProFenceX™?

The ProFenceX™ offers an exceptional combination of freedom and security for your pet. With its range of exclusive and safety features, including the WelcomeHome™ technology and extended boundary zone, you can provide your pet with ample space to play while maintaining peace of mind.

DogWatch’s ProFenceX™ system is not just about keeping your pet contained; it’s about enhancing their quality of life with thoughtful, advanced technology. If you want to give your pet even more room to roam while ensuring their safety, consider upgrading to the ProFenceX™.

For more information on how to get started with ProFenceX™ contact DogWatch of Litchfield County. Your pet will thank you for the extra space and safety!



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February 14, 2023

Love is in the Air

Hallmark has deemed February to be the month of love. They quite literally call it, “Loveuary,” to really drive the point home. Valentine’s Day is here, despite many people willing it out of existence. So don’t forget to grab a box of chocolates (NOT the coconut filled ones) and an overpriced love letter–written by a ghost writer who just so happens to perfectly capture your deepest, truest emotions–before your local CVS looks like a ransacked Walmart the night before an impending snow storm. 

But this time of year, it’s not just our love lives that are heating up. With the weather getting warmer day by day, both you and your furry friends will be craving more time outside. Once the temperature breaks 50 degrees, you may even feel like finally  waking from your winter hibernation and spending time with your dog outside–not merely standing in your doorway in a thermal bathrobe with a leash around your wrist. There is no better way to spend time outdoors with your beloved pets than within a Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence. Your time in your yard will be leash free, and most importantly stress free. You won’t believe the amount of newfound free time you’ll gain. Who knows, you may just have enough time to express your love for your family year-round, not just in February! So just remember, love is always in the air, and so is our unit’s signal. Keep your pets safe and filled with love this year with a hidden fence from Dogwatch of Litchfield County.


February 2, 2023

Happy Groundhog Day!

It’s that magical time of year again! Dry January is finished (whether you did or not), gym front desk workers can finally complete an entire episode of The Office between towel requests, and “meaning to begin that new juice cleanse” is a vague and distant memory. Almost as distant as that Halloween candy you forgot you still have in your sock drawer–it tastes better off season anyway. It’s February in the northeast. We’re officially back to reality. 

While the month that promises immense change and improvement is over, fear not! Contrary to the popular belief of marketing departments across the US, you can actually instill progressive change in your life at ANY time. So why not choose now? We are on the precipice of arguably the greatest holiday of the year–Groundhog Day. I know this is a bold claim, but I am here to back it up. 

Why is Groundhog Day, handsdown, the greatest holiday of them all? Besides the fact that our entire nation looks to a tiny rodent for the prediction of our collective future, because of Bill Murray, this holiday also reminds us  just how much we despise monotony. Repetitive daily routines are a drag for everyone. Especially when they include asking your neighbors if you can run through their yard again, screaming for Coco, who has run away for the fifth time this week. There are only so many times one can make this request. So if January flew by faster than you can say Punxsutawney Phil, use February as your new month of betterment. Improve not only your life, but your pet’s life as well, and install a Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence. We are all sick and tired of hearing “I Got You Babe,” as your partner dashes through the backyard with a flashlight and a whistle, Sonny and Cher included. 

August 14, 2022

Who Let the Dogs Out?

There is no worse feeling than pulling into your driveway, or peering out your kitchen window, and frantically asking the question, “Who let the dogs out?!?” Once unsecured outside, your dogs are mere seconds from dashing down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, converging with countless unpredictable animalsor even worse, unpredictable humansbefore perhaps eventually making contact with an unforeseen bumper. There is no telling what our furry friends may encounter once out of our sight. The risks are not worth the reward, because, quite frankly there is no reward! While our dogs certainly do serve as the emotional support heroes in our lives, we shouldn’t confuse them with actual superheroes. Unfortunately, there is no command to “fly over that oncoming bus,” or, “steer clear, that raccoon definitely has rabies!” In fact, if my 130-pound dog was to encounter a butterfly he wasn’t familiar with, the white of his eyes would become increasingly apparent before relieving himself on my feet.      

However, not all hope is lost in this situation. There is a simple solution to avoid running down your street screaming, “Pudding!!!” at the top of your lungsa precious pet name in theory; however, frantically screaming it without context while in a sprint may gravely concern your neighbors. A Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence will save you from this embarrassment. It will also save your family the endless arguments following the dreaded question, “who let the dogs out??” Post-hidden fence installation, your dogs will remain safely where they belong, and for the exact amount of time desired. It will save you time, energy, and most importantly face with your neighbors, all while keeping your dog safe within her/his boundaries. This is certainly a “risk” that is far worth the reward. And while your dog may not be a real life superhero, we won’t argue if you claim we are. 😉