

Tag: hidden fence

February 14, 2023

Love is in the Air

Hallmark has deemed February to be the month of love. They quite literally call it, “Loveuary,” to really drive the point home. Valentine’s Day is here, despite many people willing it out of existence. So don’t forget to grab a box of chocolates (NOT the coconut filled ones) and an overpriced love letter–written by a ghost writer who just so happens to perfectly capture your deepest, truest emotions–before your local CVS looks like a ransacked Walmart the night before an impending snow storm. 

But this time of year, it’s not just our love lives that are heating up. With the weather getting warmer day by day, both you and your furry friends will be craving more time outside. Once the temperature breaks 50 degrees, you may even feel like finally  waking from your winter hibernation and spending time with your dog outside–not merely standing in your doorway in a thermal bathrobe with a leash around your wrist. There is no better way to spend time outdoors with your beloved pets than within a Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence. Your time in your yard will be leash free, and most importantly stress free. You won’t believe the amount of newfound free time you’ll gain. Who knows, you may just have enough time to express your love for your family year-round, not just in February! So just remember, love is always in the air, and so is our unit’s signal. Keep your pets safe and filled with love this year with a hidden fence from Dogwatch of Litchfield County.


August 14, 2022

Who Let the Dogs Out?

There is no worse feeling than pulling into your driveway, or peering out your kitchen window, and frantically asking the question, “Who let the dogs out?!?” Once unsecured outside, your dogs are mere seconds from dashing down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, converging with countless unpredictable animalsor even worse, unpredictable humansbefore perhaps eventually making contact with an unforeseen bumper. There is no telling what our furry friends may encounter once out of our sight. The risks are not worth the reward, because, quite frankly there is no reward! While our dogs certainly do serve as the emotional support heroes in our lives, we shouldn’t confuse them with actual superheroes. Unfortunately, there is no command to “fly over that oncoming bus,” or, “steer clear, that raccoon definitely has rabies!” In fact, if my 130-pound dog was to encounter a butterfly he wasn’t familiar with, the white of his eyes would become increasingly apparent before relieving himself on my feet.      

However, not all hope is lost in this situation. There is a simple solution to avoid running down your street screaming, “Pudding!!!” at the top of your lungsa precious pet name in theory; however, frantically screaming it without context while in a sprint may gravely concern your neighbors. A Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence will save you from this embarrassment. It will also save your family the endless arguments following the dreaded question, “who let the dogs out??” Post-hidden fence installation, your dogs will remain safely where they belong, and for the exact amount of time desired. It will save you time, energy, and most importantly face with your neighbors, all while keeping your dog safe within her/his boundaries. This is certainly a “risk” that is far worth the reward. And while your dog may not be a real life superhero, we won’t argue if you claim we are. 😉

May 13, 2022

Hidden Fence Myths

Hidden fencing (a.k.a. electric dog fencing, underground fencing or Invisible Fencing®) has been in existence for a long time but has recently become more popular due to the ever increasing fence restrictions and our ability to trust more in technological advancements. There are some people, however, that are still leery due mostly to myths associated with this type of pet containment. We would like to address these myths and help educate the general public about the safety, humanity and convenience of hidden fences.
The six most popular myths associated with hidden fences are 1) the shock is dangerous and inhumane; 2) it doesn’t work on my breed; 3) my dog will never want to come outside again; 4) it will make my dog become aggressive; 5) it is too expensive and 6) store-bought systems work just as well as professionally-installed hidden fences.
Myth #1: The shock is dangerous and inhumane.
Many people feel that “shocking” a dog is harmful and an inhumane method of training. With Hidden Fences there are so many more factors involved than just a shock, or “correction.”
The correction from the collar is an electronic stimulation similar to the static shock you receive after walking across a carpet in your socks. It is briefly uncomfortable, it gets the dog’s attention but it does not injure the dog and it cannot burn the dog’s skin.
The myth that electronic collars can “burn” the skin may be the result of misdiagnosing ‘pressure sores.’ Pressure sores are caused by a collar that is too tight and/or not removed regularly. Pressure sores are not related to electronic stimulation and can be avoided by adjusting the collar if it is too tight and by removing the collar at night.
Additionally, it should be understood that a pet who is properly trained rarely receives the correction. In most cases, after the initial training, dogs do not continue to test the system and they only experience the audible warning. The audible warning gives the dog a chance to turn around before the electronic stimulation even occurs.
Myth #2: These types of fences won’t work on my breed.
The DogWatch Hidden Fences of Litchfield County team has 20 plus years of experience in pet containment, and we have successfully trained a wide variety of dogs to the fence. Sighthounds, scent hounds, Beagles, terriers of all kinds, giant dogs, tiny dogs, hairy dogs and hairless dogs – our trainers have worked with many dog breeds, including breeds with a reputation for being escape artists. With the proper training ALL breeds of dogs can be trained to a hidden fence.
Claims that these types of fences don’t work are usually due to lack of or improper training. This type of fencing does work – which is why any reputable company will offer you a money-back guarantee if they cannot contain your dog. They should also offer training assistance if you experience any sort of problems – it only makes sense to stand behind your product.
Important Note: DogWatch Hidden Fences are only intended for use with trained domestic dogs. If your dog has a history of aggressive or violent behavior and could cause harm to itself or others inside or outside the fenced premises, you should take other measures to restrain your dog such as traditional fencing.
Myth #3: My dog will be afraid of the fence and won’t want to play in the yard.
All dogs respond in their own way to Hidden Fence training. Some dogs take to it right away and others, just like humans, take a little more time to adjust. Initially, some dogs may stay close to the house or the front door while they are learning their new boundaries. For them, a little more work may be required to learn that it is safe to play in the entire yard. You just need to spend a little time with your dog playing and giving them treats to remind them that the yard is a fun and safe place to play.
Myth #4: It will make my dog aggressive.
Some people believe that dogs will become aggressive if they are contained with a hidden fence. Our customers, however, overwhelmingly report that their dogs are much happier when they have the freedom to play outside without a leash or chain.
It is rare, but if someone reports that a dog became aggressive after the fence was installed, there are usually underlying issues unrelated to the Hidden Fence. For example, a dog who has never been properly socialized may not be comfortable around strangers. After a poorly socialized dog is trained to the hidden fence, the dog may appear to be more aggressive when people enter the yard. This may be because the owner has never had the dog loose in the yard before and, therefore, has not observed that the dog is territorial around strangers. The same thing could happen if a physical fence was installed and someone tried to enter the yard.
Myth #5: It is too expensive.
Many people mistakenly believe that hidden fencing is very expensive so they never even explore the possibility of using it for their pets. The fact is, a professionally installed Hidden Fence from DogWatch Hidden Fences of Litchfield County is significantly less expensive than a traditional fence. The more acreage involved, the greater the savings, comparatively speaking.
Myth #6: A store-bought brand is equivalent in quality to a professionally installed brand.
With this myth, nothing could be further from the truth. As with any product, there are different levels of quality. Generally speaking, professionally installed systems offer more quality and reliability, more features, better customer service and better warranties.
In addition, a system purchased from DogWatch Hidden Fences of Litchfield County will be properly installed by our experienced professionals who will also ensure that your pet is trained to understand the fence, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful containment. Finally, we are always available to provide assistance and service, should you need it.
Although hidden fencing isn’t for everyone, we hope that addressing some of these more popular myths associated with it will help open your mind to the possibilities. If you or someone you know is ever in need of pet containment, contact us today!
DogWatch hidden dog fences are often mistakenly referred to generically as “invisible fences” or “invisible dog fences.” Invisible Fence® and Invisible Fencing® are Brand names, products and registered trademarks of Radio Systems, Inc.

Hidden fences by DogWatch are also known as Electric Dog Fences, Underground Dog Fences and much more. We like to call it the Ultimate Pet Containment System.