

Tag: Training

September 13, 2023

School is Back in Session

Now that we’re all adults, let’s be honest with each other; going back to school totally sucks. Once August rears its humid, frizzy head, students and teachers alike feel that unrelenting tightness begin to expand in their chests. Our big box friends do their best to encourage excitement over existential dread for the season, to no avail. Target, for one, is supposed to be a safe haven for overworked parents in desperate need of a Starbucks run and a twenty-sixth throw pillow for the living room sofa. It’s supposed to be one of the only remaining brick and mortar toy stores for children to eagerly explore, and subsequently throw a massive tantrum next to an overpriced Lego set and a cardboard cutout of whoever took on the role of Batman this year. But the very second Labor Day is even a whisper of a thought, these stores turn into a living hell for both parents and students. Regardless of the number of banners displaying children quite literally jumping for joy at the thought of sitting at a desk all day and “finally getting the hang of algebra,” these campaigns are fooling no one. The kids are certainly not looking forward to returning to prison–I mean school–and the parents are definitely not looking forward to shelling out the endless amounts of money required to do so.

  At Dogwatch of Litchfield County, we will be completely transparent about the reality of our products and training process. The pricing is straightforward and on our website. Our team is friendly, honest, and always takes into account your specific needs and desires for your pets. At the end of the day, we are all dog people, which is never a negative quality! When you install a Dogwatch hidden fence, you will have one less thing to worry about this busy school year. With all the time you’ll save not walking your dog, or better yet not losing your dog, you’ll be able to finally finish that summer romance novel you began way back in June. The one you swore you’d complete on your beach vacation, which actually just turned you into a combination camp counselor and lifeguard. With the addition of a hidden fence, perhaps you and your dog can finally enjoy a beautiful and peaceful afternoon in your yard together. For parents, September is the gift that keeps on giving. After all, it’s actually still summer until the 23rd 😉

February 14, 2023

Love is in the Air

Hallmark has deemed February to be the month of love. They quite literally call it, “Loveuary,” to really drive the point home. Valentine’s Day is here, despite many people willing it out of existence. So don’t forget to grab a box of chocolates (NOT the coconut filled ones) and an overpriced love letter–written by a ghost writer who just so happens to perfectly capture your deepest, truest emotions–before your local CVS looks like a ransacked Walmart the night before an impending snow storm. 

But this time of year, it’s not just our love lives that are heating up. With the weather getting warmer day by day, both you and your furry friends will be craving more time outside. Once the temperature breaks 50 degrees, you may even feel like finally  waking from your winter hibernation and spending time with your dog outside–not merely standing in your doorway in a thermal bathrobe with a leash around your wrist. There is no better way to spend time outdoors with your beloved pets than within a Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence. Your time in your yard will be leash free, and most importantly stress free. You won’t believe the amount of newfound free time you’ll gain. Who knows, you may just have enough time to express your love for your family year-round, not just in February! So just remember, love is always in the air, and so is our unit’s signal. Keep your pets safe and filled with love this year with a hidden fence from Dogwatch of Litchfield County.
