

August 14, 2022

Who Let the Dogs Out?

There is no worse feeling than pulling into your driveway, or peering out your kitchen window, and frantically asking the question, “Who let the dogs out?!?” Once unsecured outside, your dogs are mere seconds from dashing down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, converging with countless unpredictable animalsor even worse, unpredictable humansbefore perhaps eventually making contact with an unforeseen bumper. There is no telling what our furry friends may encounter once out of our sight. The risks are not worth the reward, because, quite frankly there is no reward! While our dogs certainly do serve as the emotional support heroes in our lives, we shouldn’t confuse them with actual superheroes. Unfortunately, there is no command to “fly over that oncoming bus,” or, “steer clear, that raccoon definitely has rabies!” In fact, if my 130-pound dog was to encounter a butterfly he wasn’t familiar with, the white of his eyes would become increasingly apparent before relieving himself on my feet.      

However, not all hope is lost in this situation. There is a simple solution to avoid running down your street screaming, “Pudding!!!” at the top of your lungsa precious pet name in theory; however, frantically screaming it without context while in a sprint may gravely concern your neighbors. A Dogwatch of Litchfield County hidden fence will save you from this embarrassment. It will also save your family the endless arguments following the dreaded question, “who let the dogs out??” Post-hidden fence installation, your dogs will remain safely where they belong, and for the exact amount of time desired. It will save you time, energy, and most importantly face with your neighbors, all while keeping your dog safe within her/his boundaries. This is certainly a “risk” that is far worth the reward. And while your dog may not be a real life superhero, we won’t argue if you claim we are. 😉